at that moment....

Saturday, October 29, 2011 2 comments

U go through lot of stages in life....
but there will be some stand out moments which u feel are your life....
how u felt at the moment.... u'l never forget what soever....
thousands of thoughts may be running in ur mind....
some cheer u up... some scare u....
this refers to any special moment in ur life....
but no matter what it is...
you will experience the same....  the same nervous... the sameheart beat.....

in ur first public xam...
on the councelling hot seat.....
on ur first day of college...
on our first interview....
on the day u confess ur love to ur special one....

controlling these thoughts is one thing....
but doing what u have to do is some thing else.....

you must always believe in urself..... no matter what....
always hoping for the best....
the reality may be different....
but believing is the key.....
it may not happen for real....
bt u must believe that it will happen...
if u r not gonna believe in u... then no1 else will do....

some times... god may be with us.... luck may favour us.... fortune may be ours....
we may get something which we dont xpect....
but the one which u succed through hard work gives u more satisfaction than anything else in this world...
which cannot be taken back from u....

it need not be that time is ours all the time... we may not succeed in achieving our goal...
but what is more important is the efforts u put on to schieve it....
it gives u more satisfaction when u try ur best nd fail... rather than achieving it by chance or by any other means....

so called life......

Thursday, August 25, 2011 0 comments
Love nd Life as defined as one of my frnd...!!!!!

Four years ago, In during my graduation first year... 
a guy proposed me! 
He promised me so many things that I could say "yes, I Love you too!"...
it was a tender teenage i.e., just sweetest 18 year old was I! 
Though I didn't accept his proposal, I had a soft corner for him that I never showed out!
One thing I thought was, if this boy has same feelings for me even after 3 years i.e., till the final year of my graduation, then I would accept his proposal and take this relationship for my whole life! 

2 years passed, then came my final year! 
Now we are all young, but not teenagers, mind is matured, personality has developed and we are graduates! 
The person who Loved me 3 years back had no feelings towards me! So many things have changed..!

During my final year graduation days, I asked him once "do you have the same feelings which you expressed when I was 18?"...and he just smiled and replied 

".. Priorities have changed in my life, now my priority is definitely not you…!"

I said that it was not the answer for my question..and I repeated my question again "do you have the same feelings towards me..? Do you still Love me...?!"

He replied "Love remains the same...but it's not going to turn into a relation due to various reasons like caste, family, etc...!"

These words left my heart broken and confused...! I started  thinking little practically about my life from then!

On our completion of graduation, whole class organized a farewell sort of party! Party lasted till late evening...! Everyone hugged each other and wished good luck for their futures! This person came to me..gave a gentle shake hand and said these words..."you'll definitely get a Lovely person as your soul mate... And it's not me...!" Then he moved away!

I was thinking that he will never even know that since the day he proposed me, I had all my dreams about him to be my soul mate for my so called life! Story would have been
different if I had accepted his proposal of so called Love in my very first year of Graduation!

Loveliest thing in this world I guess is being Loved by some one from whom we expect! After all who don't Love to be pampered and cared from the Loved one?!

Few words from the bottom of my heart are... Some dreams remain as dreams in this so called life...! 

Isn't there a full stop to this so called Love that arises in every person's teenage life..?! 
Why it hurts and doesn't leave us alone..?! Why does it last forever...?!
Well...some questions are always unanswered as we all know that though life ends, Love doesn't...don't know why!!!
But always rejoices him/herself in this Love, be it of pain or pleasure! 

The happiness one attains being in it is unexplainable!

. Though everything seems unclear in this journey, there is nothing lost or wasted in this life!!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011 0 comments

Friends occupy a major part in our life...

They meet as strangers... get close day by day....
Become friends in a short time....

they may not of ur caste, religion, nationality.....
But u share evry thing wid dem....

They become a part of most of ur memories... sweet or bitter... 
U never want to miss dem....
They are friends....

Its true that... a person cannot live without a friend to share his life....

people travel far... but relations remain close....
friends move apart... but friendship remains the same...

U may be far apart on the globe...
but they still remember ur memories...

Im proud to say that i have friends that help me when i need them....
They pat ur back when u achieve...
They share ur joys nd sorrows...
They  boost u up when u are low...
They give u confidence that there is someone caring for u.. 

An incident in my life that taught me the importance of friendship .....

When one of my frnd's father met with an accident...
he was injured severely.. that he was kespt on artificial breathing...
doctor said that it would cost about 5 lakhs to get him operated...
we friends were dong our utmost efforts to collect money...
but his relatives werent intrested about it....
they wanted to shift him to another hospital for some financial reasons...
all of them disappeared when the ambulance started... but only we friends stayed with them all the time...

im proud to hav such a friends in my life....
they may be scattered all across the globe... but our friendship remains the same....

this one is for all my friends.. who have made my life colourfull... and been a part of my memories.... love ya all..... <3

I pen down the secrets only to feel U

Friday, July 29, 2011 0 comments
p.s: the content in this post is written by my friend Ashwini Joshi....

I'm shy I'm delicate like rain wet flower.. I'm a girl! 
I may look strong 
But as soon as I hear Ur gruff voice I melt down like a cloud! 

I may not know the art of making Love 
But let U know that I am here for U waiting like wish star 
which few lucky God's Angels can catch..! 

O my baby.. 
I pen down my secrets only to make U know that beautiful things start from the heart of dreams.......! :) :) :)

Things of Universe go dim whenever I think of U being in me..! 
At the sound of Ur name a strange awe fell on me..!! 

I understand life is so short yet my Love is too long. ..!!! 

Yeah I have feelings so pure so eternal.. 
Yet I don't express..!!!! 
Oh God show the flag of truce to my heart which is silently bleeding..!!!!! 


Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5 comments

Freedom is not when u say U hav it...
Freedom is when u feel u hav it...

Freedom is not about doing the good thing..
Freedom is about doing the right thing...

You may live happily without any thing,
But you are never happy with this thing..

turth in lies...!!!

 lies - the most powerful words.. that can build empires nd can demolish those empires.... 

many people say "I hate liars".... 


    what do you know about the lies?

- 81% of people speak "harmless lies" every day

- Most people lie 3 times in 10 minutes of conversation

- Following a review of 142 studies, during which 19,801 people (many of whom had experience lies in the recognition of his work) was assessed, lying or not 2,945 people, lies gently was recognized only 54% of cases, only slightly more than 50% that you can dial simply by guessing "yes-no

- 2% of people think that lying is sometimes necessary

- 65% of people think that often / sometimes OK to lie to not hurt someone's feelings

- 44% of people think that often / sometimes possible to exaggerate the events in the story to make it interesting

- 37% of people think that often / sometimes you can lie about his age

- Depressive people are more honest with themselves than the mentally healthy, and when they recover, they become less fair

- 98% of teens say they lie to their parents

- 98% of teens say that trust is very important in personal relationships. 96-98% say that lying is immoral

- 47% of teens say that illegal downloading of music is acceptable, and only 5% considered acceptable stealing from shop

- During the experiment, 32 young people were divided into 2 groups - high and low social status, based on their activity, reported by the parents. Children of high social level lie better. Teens lie better than younger

- 75% of students admit that they become "serial liars * when it comes to saving money or a job

- 40% of parents believe that is normal sometimes lie to children about their own bad behavior in the past

- 68% of women lie about their weight, when the rent on the right

- 91% of women say that the older they become, the easier take themselves, and the lower lying

- 44% of people easier to lie by e-mail, than in manuscript form. During the study, 48 students had to divide $ 89 between themselves and another fictional one group that did not know about the amount of money, but I knew that it varies between $ 5-100 and should decide to accept the proposal or not. When students reported the amount of e-mail, 92% lied when handwritten - 64%

- 15% of employees were caught in a lie directly in the workplace

- 16% of people ever lied to justify "I call on another line" or "I call you back"

- According to the experiment conducted in Australia, 73% of doctors said that washed his hands, and only 9% actually did so;

- 29% of people who are in close relations, acknowledged that lie to their partners about their spending money

- 33% of women lie about their spending money, as well as 26% of men

- 1 out of 10 people had lied during the motor to reduce the contribution

- 15% of people vozrata 18-20 years admit they were wrong to their partners, 11% aged 21-24 years are recognized in the same

- 22% of men say they do not want to call their number of sexual partners

- 17% of men and women aged 18-24 years reported to their sexual partner about the presence of host of sexually transmitted diseases

- 61% of women think that is normal if a man is lying about their appearance

- 26% of men and 9% of women believe adultery to be justified, if their partner is no longer interested in sex

- Betrayal in varying degrees, is the cause of 54% of divorces

- 48% of women say that is normal, when their partner is lying about his attraction to other women

- 39% of women say that is normal when a man is lying about the woman that if she was good in bed

A coin has two sides.. so as every thing...
It depends on how u use it... dont label ny thing as good or bad... 

There is nothing like good or bad... It is what u feel right or wrong...



I felt like a hero and you are my heroine.
 You showed that is my greatest sin!!!

 P.S. : this is not intended to any one..... 


Sunday, June 19, 2011 6 comments

                  Dictionary says.....
  Lonely - sad because one has no friends or companions

But dat is not true....
Lonely is not when u dont hav people around u....
It is when u hav thousands of friends nd wellwishers around u 
But no one understands U,
Ur feelings, Ur thoughts, Ur emotions.

If you are wid ur frnds ....
having fun..... and njoing wid dem.... 
laughing for the jokes dey cracked... 
but you are feeling very low inside....
Den nothing's gonna make U better if dey notice ur smile,
But not ur emotions....

Loneliness is when U are depressed 
And no one understands U and bossts U up....
Loneliness is when U feel weak,
But there is no one to giv U confidence....

It is when u dont have people who knows what u are...
When U dnt have people who dont understand what u meant in ur words...

Loneliness is not when u dont have people around you,
It is when u dont feel u have some for u...

Luckiest is not the one who gets loved by some one else...
It is when u have atleast one who understands U& Ur feelings....


end of my teenage.....

Saturday, June 11, 2011 8 comments

today is my 20th bday...

which means my teenage was completed few hrs ago.....
my teenage taught me a hell lot things which transformed me from a innocent kid to what iam now....
gud or bad... it taught me a lot....

over all these years i got to know what life is all about.... what what do we face in life....
its like a roller coaster journey...... 
ive seen all the shades of life.....
life was elegant at times... nd stricken on the other hand....

i was completely changed in attitude....
there is a drastic change....
i used to be reserved.... shy... etc......
bt nw im totally changed..... im more responsible.... talktive.... open... 

all the credit goes to my parents, school , my frnds nd kiran....
my school taught me to be disciplined nd respect elders nd others......
after school.... it was a sudden freedom .... a whole new environment..... 
internet... chattin ... messengers were risin at dat time.....
we used to spend our free time in the cafe opposite to our colg....
spendin time wid frnd... havin fun.... njoyin in study hours.... it was wonderful....

the best i can say in my teenage is abt a special person....
a special person who gave me the love of my life......
it wasnt like all other stories... it is unique... one of its kind.....

my engineering has made all the confusions clear..... 
now i know what i want in my life... what i am.... what kind of people are around me.....
im proud to say dat i hav friends that care for me... nd i can say forsure that they will stand out for me.. when i need dem..... 

the most dejected incident i came through is wen i saw my frnds parents died.... 
infact they were killed..... 
their poverty killed dem.... 
money is the key to evry thing... it gives u life... it gets u frnds... nd respect....
it can do nything...

but.... no matter how much u hav..... it doesnt giv the satisfaction nd happiness dat ur frnds nd family giv u......

u may find this post silly nd ironic..... i jst wanted to preserve my memories of my teenage... so i posted dis one....
i knw dis post didnt go well... bt dis is wat i cn say for nw....
u can say this is my tribute for my teenage.... 

dark nights....!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011 2 comments

Days pass by some how
But nights now are a wagon of pain
Injuries may heal with time
But marks will always remain
Restless on my comfortable bed
I toss and turn and try to sleep
But thoughts are bulking my head
And have formed a huge heap
The past is flashing its scorching light beams
Tearing me apart , breaking me at the seams
the darkness of my life is more visible in the dark
And now i am trying to give it a voice , trying to speak my heart


Wednesday, May 11, 2011 0 comments

We meet many people nd many new things in our life..... some stay with us till for long nd some leave us alone....
but one which stays wid us till we leave this word is disappoinement...
an unwanted friend no matter how much we avoid it still wants us...

even though very special people in ur life may leave u at some point of time.. but not this...

u dnt hav all ur world in all occassions...
but it meets u in every occasion...
form ur childhood to the moment u close ur eyes for ever...

when u ask ur dad something nd he doesnt get u....

when u aim for good grades... nd u fail to get...

when u play hard nd u end up loosing...

when u plan to do something special but u mess it up...

when u dream to study somewhere nd u get to do it somewhere else...

when u xpress ur love on someone nd they recjt it...

when u believe ur special to some one nd ur proven wrong...

U can never escape from disappointments. The only thing others would tell you is that, keep on trying, it's not end of everything and all the encouragement words. It'll somehow lift the burden off u , however deep down inside u, NO u can't take it. It's just too painful.
U would always say "well it's easy for some people to say, give advise".

a story i can never 4get......

Monday, March 14, 2011 8 comments

Once upon a time there lived a small boy.
He used to play on and around the tree with great joy. The tree also loved to see the boy happy.
As the child grew up he started spending lesser time with the tree. The tree was waiting and waiting for the boy to come and talk to it.
When he was a grown up he stopped coming to the tree.
The tree was sad because of the boy wasn't coming to it.
One day the boy came back with a sad face the tree asked the boy why are you sad.
The boy replied I don't have money for my toys. The tree said take my fruits and sell them so you'll get money. The boy happily plucked all the fruits. The tree bear all the pain but was smiling and happy as it made the boy happy.
The boy took the fruits and went off.
The boy came back after a few years with the same expression.
The tree asked why. The boy replied now I'm a grown up and I don't have a house of my own...
The tree offered its trunk to build his house.
The boy happily cut all its trunk and went off happily. The tree was physically hurt but still was happy for the boy.
The boy returned when he was old again in a sad expression. The tree asked why.
The boy said I'm old now and i'm tired working all my life for my family. Now I just need some old roots to rest on.
The tree said then the tree offered itself, saying rest on me there is nothing left.

The tree is like our parents.
When we are small we use to spend all our time playing with our parents.
As we grow up we go to them when we need something. But no matter what we ask, they will always be ready to give any thing we ask for.

This is the love of our parents Priceless , limitless, selfless...
It is the true meaning of love.

i told this story in my school morning assembly....
wen i was telling the last few lines. My dad was standing near the gate, his eyes filled with pride to see me on the stage.
but he didn't knew what I said. because he is not versed with english.
but all the happiness in his eyes was just by seeing me on the stage...

the day i met her

Sunday, February 6, 2011 12 comments

It was in mid of may... they were holidays for most of the colleges... but not for me.... I still have more than a month to get some ....
I was in NIT the previous night,  I went there to meet my friend studying there. It was midnight by the time I reached and i felt the place very spooky thanks to my phobia to darkness.
My friend was lazy enough to just tell me the building name and asked me to reach there to receive me. It felt like an adventure going through the secluded place (atleast at that time of the day) and the jungle around. Thankgod I reached the hostel building eventually. walked upto my friend's room in the 3rd floor where he was busy playing DOTA. The room looked something like in an abandoned home and the bed was very squeaky but it didn't matter as my body was crying with low battery warning so i dozed off thinking how over-rated these NIT's and IIT's are.
The room reminded me of terrorist moves where the incendiary are in ill lit bunkers seriously involved in hacking a govt site.
The next morning I woke up early at 6, took a few mins to realize it was not my home. I was in NIT hostel in warangal. I stood up I was feeling very weak may be as I didn't eat anything the previous day except for the breakfast. I came out into the hallway, it was all empty, may be because it was a Sunday... everyone was still sleeping except for the odd nerds here and there...
I slowly walked to the bathrooms... Took a quick bath and went back to the room....
Dressed up in the best one I had with me... I was just about to finish getting ready when my phone rang... I got a message... It was from her ... Wishing me good morning... We chatted up for a few mins... Then she said she will meet at the Imax... I said bye to my friend and flew off...

The campus in the morning light looked total contrast to my last night's experience. It was nice, cool... Pleasant... deserted... I slowly walked to the entrance having a glance at the campus... Finally was out of the college... I took an auto to the railway station... It was fully crowed... Most of them were employees and students... I went straight to the enquiry to find out about the trains to Hyderabad...He said there was a train ready to leave from platform 2... I ran like an olympic athlete... Caught the train just in time... The train was full... I thought it would better to sit in the doorway and I settled on the steps...

My phone beeped again... It was her...
She asked me where am I...
I said I'm on the way...
All I could understand was... she was nervous......
I asked her whats wrong...
"Nothing" she said
"I don't think so... You don't sound normal... What's wrong"
"I don't know ... I may behave weird today... that's the only thing I can say..." came the reply.
Then gave me a blast...
She said "my friends are following me... They aren't leaving me alone... Lets go to movie... They'll come with us... But they wont even bother us... Plzz... Understand my problem...."
I dont want her to please me for anything.....
so I said ok....
we continued messaging....
she said she reached the theater...
she said she will be sitting in the movie and waiting for me.....
luck didn't favor me that day..... the train stopped at Moulali.... I wondered why....
I was praying for the train to start as quickly as possible....
but in vain.... the train stopped there for 30 mins....
atlast the train started...
I was counting time ..... I felt like ages before reaching the destination....
atlast I reached Hyderabad.... the city where my love is born.....
yet again I became an athlete .... rushed out as fast as possible....
took an auto and went to IMAX....
I called her.... I told her to come down so that we can sit some where in the restaurants.....
but she asked me to come into the theater instead....
I started climbing the stairs.... and there she was... the gal I've been dying for....

she wore a blue denim.... white shirt with a cream jacket on it.....
her hair was straightened... (it used to be curly before... i love it curled)
she was looking at me... with a ticket in her hand...
adjusting her hair....
trying hard hide her smile....
controlling her emotions....
I reached her.... cuddled her in my hands....
I felt like I've won the world.....
I kept staring at her... we went into the theater....
sat in our seats.... I never kept my eyes off her.....
held her right hand with mine.... she was wearing two rings...
I looked around... when I found every one was busy watching the movie... i reached for her... kissed her.... she blushed.... tried to take her hand off me... but i didnt let it go.....
we've spent an hour talking to each other....
and atlas the movie finished....
we went to a restaurant.... had our lunch..... I never took my eyes off her....
atlast she had to go home.... as her parents are very particular about her reaching home in time....
finally she left.....
I returned home.... thinking of her..... all the way....
texting her... and talking to her....
till date..... and till I am alive.... I can never forget that day ever.....
it was she who has made it a very special day in my life.......